1. Christianity
Followers: 2.2 billion Christians (32% of the world’s population)
It is time for our final entry on the list of most popular religions in the world. Christianity is the largest religion in the world and also most dispersed. At its core is a belief that there is one God who created the world that Jesus Christ is his son and that the Bible is inspired by God and presents a guide for faithful living. Christianity also has numerous branches due to disputes and opposing views. The largest one is Catholic Church accounting for 50% of Christians, followed by various forms of Protestantism (37%) and Eastern Orthodox Church (12%). According to estimations, 26% of the global Christian population is located in Europe while Latin America has 24% of all Christians in the world. Although Christianity originated in the Middle East, less than 1% of Christians are located there.

Costea Andrea M/Shutterstock.com