5. Seventeen
Circulation: 1,938,312 (estimated)
Readers-per-Copy: 4,62 – 2016
Readership: 8,955,000 – 2016
Origin: USA
Seventeen ranks 5th in our list of the most popular fashion magazines in the world. It was founded in 1944 and intended to make good role models out of teenage girls for the future generations. Like in many other cases, you can see how the fact that the world was at war influenced the publication.
One could argue this is not a fashion magazine precisely, but that’d be dead wrong. As stated earlier, fashion doesn’t just involve clothes, it tells us how to look and what to like. The publication is aimed at girls ages 10 to 21 and includes all the typical elements of a women’s/fashion magazine, emphasizing young pop culture.
Fun fact: “Sylvia Plath submitted nearly fifty pieces to Seventeen before her first short story, “And Summer Will Not Come Again,” was accepted and published in the August 1950 issue.”