3. Glamour
Circulation: 2,348,000
Readers-per-Copy: 4,64 (estimated)
Readership: 10,895,000 – November 2015
Origin: USA
Glamour ranks 3rd in our list of the most popular fashion magazines in the world. First published in 1939, it was originally called “Glamour of Hollywood,” but in 1943 the name was changed to “Glamour” with the subtitle: “For the girl with the job!” Honestly, I think that’s a kickass tagline, perfect for its time – it was the middle of WWII, men were at war. Of course, it was celebrity-oriented, and it remains so, although now it contains mixed subjects (sex, fashion, lifestyle, etc.).
An interesting fact: Glamour was the first women’s magazine to feature an African-American cover girl.