4. Flaying
Being flayed alive is surely one of the most painful cruel horrific deaths and execution methods in history. A person will feel terrible pain, depending on the amount of skin removed. According to doctors, when skin is removed, the body loses fluid, blood and temperature and is exposed to infections. However, a person can stay alive for hours or even days before death finally comes, so this is a slow and very painful death. It was used in almost every period of human history, from Assyrians, Greeks, the medieval times to Eastern countries wars. Aztecs in Mexico even used to peel a person’s skin after death, as a part of religious rituals. Flaying happens nowadays, too. There was a terrible accident in an amusement park in Seattle when due to a very strong wind a visitor’s hair wrapped around the wheel of a roller coaster which started moving. Carnie, the victim, died from scalping in front of his children.

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