5. Ling Chi method (death by thousand cuts)
Thanks to its name, we can easily assume what this execution method number 5 on our list of most painful cruel horrific deaths and execution methods in history is like. This was a legitimate execution method in China almost up to the 20th century. A person was tied to a wooden frame and an executor gradually cut slices of meat from the person’s body. Firstly, the executor cut thick meat, but after that, he moved on ears, nose, face, arms, legs, and genitals. It was reported that victims suffered at least an hour before they died, or the executor cut off their head. A variation of this method, used mostly during the medieval era, was sawing. A person was tied upside down and the executors cut the body in half, starting from between the person’s legs. There is a logical explanation why the person was put in that position – blood is pumped to the head and the victim stays alive for a longer period of time

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