11 Most Painful Cruel Horrific Deaths and Execution Methods in History

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6. Crucifixion

We are continuing our list of most painful cruel horrific deaths and execution methods in history with not only a painful and cruel way of execution but also humiliating. It was usually performed in front of the public. It was used to deter people from committing new crimes. A person was tied (or nailed) to a cross and left for a few days in this condition to die slowly thirsty, hungry and in pain. There were many variations of this method, where a person was tied to a wheel, a tree or even impaled. The first written records of this execution method date back to ancient Greece, where the worst killers and criminals were executed in this way.

11 Most Painful Cruel Horrific Deaths and Execution Methods in History

Costea Andrea M/Shutterstock.com

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