4. Dermatology
A dermatologist ranks quite high on the most intellectually challenging, cerebral medical specialties in the US list — this doctor is trained to maintain the patients’ problems of the skin such as hair loss and scars, but also the skin changes, mostly associated with aging. Prevention and treatment of benign and malignant disorders of the skin, hair, and nails, as well as a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Dermatologists must have been highly experienced in diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers, melanomas, moles, and other types of tumors of the skin. Allergic and nonallergic skin disorders and infectious diseases of the skin are also included. Dermatologists have to carry out special training in dermatopathology and in some surgical techniques related to their medical residency. What makes this medical specialty so intellectually challenging is the fact that dermatologists see patients of all ages for various skin problems. They also have to know how to conduct biopsies and excisions and do surgery in order to remove benign or malignant cancers. Subspecialties include cutaneous surgery, pediatric dermatology, dermatopathology. It is positioned as very competitive medical residency, which training lasts at least four years.
