6. Nuclear medicine
Nuclear Medicine physician treats diseases in a painless way. First of all, he/she can diagnose certain abnormality in an early-stage progression; therefore it can be treated sooner and more efficiently. Radiopharmaceutical medicine is based on a small quantity of radioactive substances that can be injected into a human body, inhaled or swallowed. These substances produce gamma rays, that can be followed with gamma cameras what further enables for nuclear medicine physician to see are there any potential abnormalities inside of patient’s body. The nuclear medicine specialist has to be familiar with the basic biologic effects of the radioactive substance, as well as the main and sub-principles of radiation detection and radioactive exposure. Residency program lasts three years while medical training includes successful completion of a transitional year program or a PGY1 program in internal medicine or surgery. Residency program lasts three years, while medical training includes successful ending in a PGY1 program related to internal medicine or surgery.
And now, let’s see the top five most intellectually challenging, cerebral medical specialties in the US.