10. Medical genetics
This medical residency is considered to be both intellectually and practically challenging. Medical genetics ranks quite low on our most intellectually challenging, cerebral medical specialties in the US list because theoretical knowledge prevails over practical one. This includes studies and research about the inheritance and mapping disease genes, as well as their official diagnosis and medical treatment. Genetically-linked diseases are also in the domain of medical and therapeutic procedures. Prevention treatments are carried out through radiologic, cytogenic or biochemical tests. A medical geneticist manipulates and deals with a bunch of different screening programs for congenital errors of hemoglobinopathies, neural tube deficiency, and chromosome or metabolism abnormalities. Residency program last four years- the first two must have been completed in another specialty or its equivalent (such as pediatrics or internal medicine). This means that in order to become a clinical laboratory geneticist, medical students must complete a doctoral degree program, followed by at least two years of residency training. They also have to complete a 2-year fellowship program in clinical laboratory genetics and get ABMG specialty certification.

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