11 Most Important Historical Events That Changed The World Forever

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6. The Fall of The Wall

Mentions – 3

On November 9, 1989, a 4-foot-wide and 12-tall concrete creation of the German Democratic Republic, one of the most recognizable symbols of the Cold War that separated ‘Fascist’ West and Communist East was torn down. Well, at least a symbolic part of it, since the complete demolition ended almost three years later in 1992. The fall of the wall in Berlin was the end of the Cold War; the end of tensions after World War II, between Western and Eastern Block and the beginning of a free life for all Berliners. More than 170 people had been killed while trying to escape from East to West Berlin, during the years of restriction on freedom of movement. Now when we can see the bigger picture, the unification of the Berlin marked the beginning of the Soviet Union’s end and the collapse of existing world order. And now, let’s see the top two entries in our list of  most important historical events that changed the world forever.

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