11 Most Important Historical Events That Changed The World Forever

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2. The Day of the Attacks – 9/11

Mentions – 4

The event that most certainly shaped the first and subsequently the second decade of the new millennium are 9/11 Terrorist Attacks which rank second on our list of  most important historical events that changed the world forever. The twin towers, a symbol of American economic power were razed to the ground just an hour and 42 minutes after American Airlines Flights 11 and 175 crashed into them on the morning of September 11, 2001. An hour after the World Trade Center catastrophe in the New York, another plane, crashed into the Pentagon. The passengers of the fourth flight succeeded in overcoming the hijackers. Unfortunately, the plane eventually crashed in a rural field in Pennsylvania. The responsible for the death of almost 3000 are 19 terrorists who were members of Islamic militant organization al-Qaeda. Shortly after, The United States with the President George W. Bush launched the War on Terror and invaded Afganistan to remove Taliban, who sheltered al-Qaeda. It could be said that Middle East conflict outgrew its geographical borders. When it comes to the consequences – we are experiencing them!

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Ken Tannenbaum / Shutterstock.com

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