Are Internet users looking for a place to rest on vacation when they search for the most googled countries? Or maybe it’s an interest motivated by news that makes the Americans search for different countries on Google? Truth is that the internet is the perfect support every time we need to clear up the capital of any foreign country, find out more information about the emerging war somewhere, picture yourself on a Caribbean beach or just for cheating a little bit in order to complete the list of every state of US following Friends style.
Google drafts every year – the United States even has a monthly list – the most searched words classified in different, diverse and strange categories like calorie searches, whiskies, celebrity pregnancies or dog questions. Last year, for example, Robin Williams was at the top of the general ranking, followed by the Football World Cup in Brazil. Google also has a country and regions list we used to answer what the 11 most googled countries in America are. Besides the annual ranking, the company provides another stat: the most searched countries trending. This category is strongly affected by the news. In 2014, for example, we can find Ukraine at the top of the list, followed by Korea and Nigeria, maybe in an attempt to clarify what we heard on the TV news. It should be noted also that Google does not offer the data of the search terms on its site but a list by subject. It means that they choose the meaningful terms and they discard others keywords more searched like ‘weather’ or ’email’. In the Seattle Organic SEO you can find more information about it.

However, as Google is not the only searching tool of the world, we have considered also the stats of the second web search engine company, Bing, which belongs to Microsoft. Bing only offers a draft related to countries, called Vacation Destinations. This selection criteria is, a priori, more restricted than Google’s because it sometimes involves countries and others just a city and they seem to be searched only for holiday purposes.
So, for making this list we are going to focus only in Google’s draft due to the importance of the company in modern marketing and research. It is so big that there are studies that base their conclusions in the research people make on the site. Check, for example, this article about the 20 Most Racist Places in America According To Google. And mostly because we have invented an entire new word for searching on the Internet with its name!