Today we bring you the most expensive musical instruments in the world; the finest instruments that famous musicians used to create memorable music throughout the history. When you look at today’s list, you’ll be amazed how expensive a musical instrument can be. But, the value of the piece is not just in the fine craft, the materials, and design; the real value is in the story behind the instrument, the identity of the creator, and how old the piece is.

If you are curious about this list, then you should also check out Most Expensive Guitars in the World. And, the most expensive musical instruments in the world, ranked by price, are:
11. Violoncello by Gennaro Galiano
Italian luthiers are known the most in the world. Their instruments have the highest quality, best sound, and highest prices. The famous cello by Gennaro Galiano is 250 years old with estimated price between $250,000 and $300,000. Auction in 2009 was the selling place of this piece of art, and the winning bid was $362,500.
10. Viola by Gasparo Bertolotti da Salò
This viola was the primary instrument of famous Gasparo Bertolotti da Salò through his career. This instrument’s tonal quality surpassed the violinist’s talent and created a unique sound; one of the main reasons for success of New York Philharmonic Orchestra. The viola is not a typical front instrument of the orchestra, and that made the sensation bigger and more important. Upon the death of the famous virtuoso in 2004, the instrument remained in the possession of the Kates family, and was sold at an auction for $542,500.

Lukas Gojda/
9. OM-45 Deluxe Acoustic Guitar from C.F. Martin and Company
The acoustic guitars from C.F. Martin and Company are among the highest quality guitars in the world. Used primarily in country music, these guitars spread through the United States because of the popularity of the musicians using them. The OM-45 Deluxe model was made in 1930, and played by Roy Rogers, the famous country performer. The high-quality wood and one-of-a-kind steel strings create incredible sound. This guitar was sold at an auction for $554,500 in 2009.
8. Fender Stratocaster Acoustic Guitar by Eric Clapton
The unique acoustic guitar was made by the famous musician himself; Eric Clapton bought three quality Fender Stratocaster guitars, and manufactured single guitar from them. The quality of the final product was remarkable. Eric played on it for several years until moving on to different models; this model was particularly valuable since is one of a kind, and made by Eric himself. The auction price for the guitar was $959,500.
7. The Lady Tennant Violin by Stradivari
An antique violin made by the famous Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari in 1699, the Lady Tennant is the masterpiece preserved in the private collection. This violin was included in the L’Esposizione di Liuteria Antica a Cremona exhibition, celebrating 200 years of Stradivari’s death. Last selling price for the instrument was $2.03 million.
6. Steinway Z Piano
The legendary piano was in the possession of John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono for a long time until it was sold in 2009 to George Michael for $2.08 million. The value of the piano increases for the fact that Lennon composed the song “Imagine” on this piano. The piano still has burns from the musician’s cigarettes.
5. The Christian Hammer Violin by Stradivari
The fifth spot on our list of the most expensive musical instruments in the world is occupied by the Christian Hammer Violin. This violin dates from 1707, the golden period of famous Italian luthier Stradivari. It is named after its first recorded owner, a Swedish Collector Christian Hammer. This exquisite instrument was sold for the unbelievable amount of $3,54 million at auction in 2006, to an anonymous bidder.
4. The Kreutzer Violin by Antonio Stradivari
French violinist Rodolphe Kreutzer gave the name for this stunning violin. The piece was manufactured by Antonio Stradivari 1731. The violin passed from hand to hand as a heritage, from the master to the apprentice, until it reached the Clark family, collectors of fine Italian musical instruments. It remained in the family for 90 years, and it’s still in great condition, considering its age. The violin is now at auction, with estimated price of $8,5 – $10 million.
3. Vieuxtemps Violin by Giuseppe Guarneri
The Vieuxtemps Violin was built around 1741 by renowned Italian luthier Giuseppe Guarneri; a Stradivari’s opposite and competition, but a good friend. This instrument was one of the last from Guarneri, and the name dates from the first owner, violinist Henri Vieuxtemps. This violin was sold for incredible $16 million, earning a solid third place on our list of most expensive musical instruments in the world.
2. Duport Stradivari Cello
This cello was named by Jean-Louis Duport, who played it around 1800. There is an interesting legend about this instrument: Napoleon Bonaparte himself asked the cellist to play the cello a bit, and cellist said “Yes”. Bonaparte handled the instrument badly and made some dents in it, which are still visible today. From 1974 to 2007 the Duport Stradivari Cello was owned and played by Mstislav Rostropovich. The price for selling in 2007 was high: $20 million.
1. Stradivari Viola
Our ultimate winner of the most expensive instruments in the world is produced by Antonio Stradivari. The heritage of this famous artist is worth billions, with this viola as the most expensive piece. The reason for the staggering price of 45 million dollars is the rarity: only 10 of his violas are known to be still preserved. This one has the best quality and level of preservation, even though it is 300 years old. It was sold at an auction in 2014. This is the winner of our list of Most Expensive Musical Instruments in the World.
