When we say most expensive bra brands in the world, you can’t help thinking of Victoria’s Secret and their fantasy bras, right?
But let’s analyze the topic from the historic and economic point of view first. Women’s lingerie has evolved over the centuries and has become one of the most important factors in the consumer society. Admittedly, these products are an absolute necessity and the companies are struggling to survive in the highly competitive market. Usually, there are two ways to ensure the revenue. Either a company strives to be the most affordable and appealing to the average consumer, or it goes to the other extreme in which it focuses on producing the most expensive items. The second option is what we are talking about, so you might want to check out the 10 most expensive underwear in the world. Even though it may seem as a riskier option, the truth is that there is always going to be a rich niche market for the luxury goods. Whatever crisis there is in the world, the average consumers are the ones who take the hit that consequently diminishes their purchasing power. On the other hand, you can be rest assured the well-off part of the society doesn’t alter very much. Inevitably, its structure changes, but the market share normally remains stable.

FashionStock.com / Shutterstock.com
High End Bras are a type of merchandise that is very much in demand. Why is this piece of lingerie so important, you may wonder? Well, firstly, we all need some sort of support in our lives, don’t we? If you’re a woman, emotional support is always being emphasized as the most valuable, but let’s face it. Ladies, can you imagine your life without the support a bra provides? Hardly. Therefore, it is no surprise this industry is attracting so much attention and women enjoy going shopping for the most beautiful bra. A perfect bra should be a perfect union of comfort, beauty, and price. Today lots of women shop for expensive bras online. You can visit websites of the brands we have chosen, but there are also some brands whose designers insist on making the bra exclusively for every customer.
In our search for the most expensive brands worldwide, we visited websites such as The Lingerie Addict, The Mesh News, Talking Bra as well as Vogue for suggestions on pricey and fashionable bra manufacturers and most expensive bra in the world in 2016. Next, we tried to find the most expensive bra a particular brand offered. The offers were either from the designer’s website or from Nancy Mayer. We took into account the original price, not the one after the discount and as for British companies, we converted pounds into US dollars via X-rates calculator.
Finally, here are the most expensive bra brands in the world, listed according to bra prices. We are starting with the ‘cheapest’ one: