10. Leicester, England — 10.941 points
Bend It Like Beckham star and Blacklist main player Parminder Nagra is a product of the rich diversity of Leicester. Leicester has an ethnic minority population of about 40%. The largest subgroup is made up of those from India, and though Nagra’s family moved to Leicester from India in the 1960s, their Sikh beliefs make them unusual among Leicester’s majority Hindu-minority Muslim Indian population. Leicester shares survey results (PDF) that indicate its residents speak 70 different languages and almost half of its schoolchildren speak a language other than English as their “preferred” language outside of school. The most popular languages other than English are Gujarati, Punjabi, Somali, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, and Polish. Britain’s unusual sports car maker Noble is based in Leicester, a novelty on its own but especially in an economy made mostly of clothes and shoes, including rising international star Boden.