Tread carefully and avoid these 11 most dangerous lakes in the world. There are many things in this world that can be quite deceiving to the eye. A lot of nature’s wonders may also prove to be as deadly as they are beautiful. There are a lot of things that can catch us unaware and can even harm and kill us. A few bodies of water have earned themselves the title of dangerous as they’ve been known to threaten human lives in the past. It goes to show that you can’t just swim anywhere.
There could be a lot of different reasons behind why one lake is dangerous. It could be because of dangerous animals or chemicals that are masked under the serene blue water. There are also some lakes that are known to be highly polluted and carry dangerous bacteria. Other lakes have a geographical make-up that gives the water strong power and can easily drag people underneath. It’s good to know what lakes to avoid so that we are safe in future travels. Aside from the dangerous lakes, there are lakes that have proven to be safe and wondrous. You can see a few of them in the list of The 10 Largest Lakes in the World.
What lakes do you think make their way to this list? Some of these you might have not heard of yet. If you haven’t then you should stay away from these at all costs. Let’s find out more as we go through this list:
11. Lake of Death
Located in Sicily, Italy, this lake isn’t actually made of water but high a concentration of sulphuric acid. Any organic thing that is thrown into the lake will probably dissolve and you won’t help but notice the putrid smell that sulphur creates. There have been rumors that the mafia have been dumping bodies of victims in the lake to hide evidence.
