11 Most Beautiful Waterfalls in the World

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1. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Points – 14.6

On the Zambezi River sits the Victoria Falls, one of the most beautiful ones in the world and the one that tops our list. It has a total drop of 355 feet, making for an impressive view.

The Victoria Falls is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, although they have considered revoking the name due to the large developments in the area.

There are many beautiful and unique waterfalls in the world, but Victoria Falls tops our list of 11 most beautiful waterfalls in the world mostly due to how popular it is. There are plenty of other waterfalls that are small, but beautiful across the globe, and you’ll need to discover them all, even if it doesn’t involve flying to a foreign country to see them, but rather traveling a couple hours to a nearby location.

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Vadim Petrakov/Shutterstock.com

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