Lists 11 Most Anti-Gay Countries in the World Published on December 8, 2015 at 4:37 am by Caroline Delbert in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 6 of 12Next >>See All 7. Pakistan — 2 pointsPakistan’s laws are just like Morocco’s but with even longer prison sentences. Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 6 of 12Next >>See All SlideshowhomophobiaList XFinancedeath penaltygay laws in Omangay laws in Irangay laws in Yemengay laws in Sudangay laws in Zambiagay laws in Guyanagay laws in Kuwaitgay laws in Moroccogay laws in Algeriagay laws in Eritreagay laws in Pakistangay laws in Ethiopiagay laws in Maldivesgay laws in Mauritaniagay laws in Afghanistangay laws in Saudi Arabiawhich countries imprison gays?which countries put gays to death?11 most anti-gay countries in the world10 Countries with the Biggest Gay Populations in the WorldShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles11 Armies with the Most Firepower in the World11 Best Christian Documentaries on Netflix Streaming11 Cities With The Highest Demand for Biomedical Engineers11 Best Basketball Documentaries on Netflix Streaming8 Worst Dressed Countries in The World6 Hobbies You Only Need a Computer for