11 Longest Prison Sentences in the World

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4. Andrew Aston

Length of sentence: 26 life sentences

Andrew Aston is a drug addict who preyed on pensioners. During his trial for murder, it was discovered that he robbed another 20 pensioners and assaulted another four people during violent robberies. Detectives said that his attacks became more and more brutal each time. He posed as a police officer to gain entrance to homes of elderly people, then carried out brutal and violent robberies. Among his victims was George Dale, an 87-year old grandfather who fought in The Royal Artillery in World War II. Aston savagely beat him with an iron rod and two weeks later, George Dale died from sustained injuries. His second victim Frank Hobley, also a war veteran, died three months after the attack. Aston was convicted of 2 murders and 24 robberies and assaults and got one of the longest prison sentences in the world.

Longest Prison Sentences in the World


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