11 Longest Prison Sentences in the World

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8. Gabriel March Grandos

Length of sentence: 384,912 years

When speaking about sentences expressed in thousands of years rather than life sentences, Gabriel March Grandos is definitely a winner on our list of longest prison sentences in the world. How many people did he kill to get 384,912 years in prison? Well, none to be exact. He was a 22-year old mailman in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, who obviously wasn’t very keen on doing his job properly. He was accused of failing to deliver more than 42,000 letters and he opened more than half of them, recovering the checks worth around $50,000. However, 384,912 was just a request, and the final penalty was 14 years and 2 months as well as fine of 9,000 pesetas.

Longest Prison Sentences in the World

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