11 Longest Prison Sentences in the World

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2. Martin Bryant

Length of sentence: 35 life sentences +1,035 years

In 1996, Martin Bryant killed 35 people in what was known as the Port Arthur Massacre. Bryant first murdered the owners of the Seascape Guesthouse, David and Sally Martin, then he continued his killing spree with a semi-automatic rifle. He went to Port Arthur historic site and opened fire on tourists and locals. He took the lives of 35 people, including children, and wounded another 23. After the massacre he took a hostage and drove back to Seascape Guesthouse and stayed inside for 18 hours before he set it on fire. He pleaded guilty to 72 charges including murder, attempted murder, causing grievous body harm, and arson. After the incident, Australia embraced new, stricter gun laws in order to prevent anything like this of happening again.

Longest Prison Sentences in the World

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