11 Least Sexually Active Cities in America

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5. East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Score: 47

Up in Rhode Island, we find East Greenwich, a town that’s home to over 13,000 people. East Greenwich is considered to be the wealthiest municipality within the entire state.

Rhode Island’s birth rate was calculated at 10.4%, which is well below the national average. The birth rate in East Greenwich, however, was of 5%, similar to the area’s fertility rate. The median age of the city is 43.7, over the 39.7 years state average.

Here, in 2015, the CDC reports there were 434 cases of Chlamydia, 55 cases of Gonorrhea and 7.3 cases of Syphilis for every 100,000 residents. Do you want to guess what’s next on the list of least sexually active cities in America?

11 Least Sexually Active Cities in America


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