7. West Boylston, Massachusetts
Score: 43
Next in line on the list of least sexually active cities in America is West Boylston, located in the heart of Massachusetts, and called home by some 7,700 people who live in an area covering 13.8 square miles.
The birth rate in Massachusetts was averaged at 10.5%, but the city barely hits 3% on itself. Furthermore, only 3.3% of the women with ages between 15 and 50 had given birth recently. It should also be mentioned the city’s median age is 38.4 years, which doesn’t really justify the low activity levels in the bedroom.
In Massachusetts, in 2015, there were reported 357 cases of Chlamydia, 57 cases of Gonorrhea and 6.2 cases of Syphilis for every 100,000 residents.

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