8. West Reading, Pennsylvania
Score: 38
Next up on our list of the least sexually active cities in America we have West Reading, Pennsylvania. The latest census shows the city has a population of over 4,200 residents, all of which live in an area of 0.6 square miles.
Pennsylvania’s birth rate for 2015 was calculated at 11%, but West Reading barely hits 5%. The town’s data shows that only 4.6% of women between 15 and 50 had given birth in the past year. The population in the city has an average age of 38.5 years, so it’s not exactly advanced in any way.
According to the CDC, in Pennsylvania in 2015 there were reported 418 cases of Chlamydia, 100 cases of Gonorrhea and 5.1 cases of Syphilis for every 100,000 residents.

Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock.com