11 Least Racist States in America

The 11 least racist states in America, unlike their counterparts we discussed in the list of the 11 most racist states ranked by hate crime, seem to show a good sign of progressive thinking and giving all other people who are not too busy labeling people by the color of their skin some hope. Hope, though, is needed for a lot of racial minorities in the US, due to the still present frightening levels of racial bias which a concerning number of US citizens display in one way or another.

The country’s racial bias goes back to its origins where racial hate crimes were first conducted against the native population to a genocidal extent which is a matter of serious debate and criticism to this date. Soon after, slavery followed in a manner which the world hadn’t seen since the ancient times and even though a lot of effort and lives went into its abolishing, the basis for an image that defined a whole race was created. This lasts to this date, where other events such as wars and terrorist attacks have sparked serious racial hate towards certain people. African Americans have long stopped being the strongly highlighted focus of racial bias and today we can see not only the everyday disregard to the social status and human rights of people of color but also a worrying number of hate crime. This does, however, not only happen between whites and other races but also between the non-white races as well.

11. Wyoming

Wyoming takes the eleventh place with a low enough rate of racial bias in its people. Racism is no longer the issue it was before in this state where people of different races coexist more and more peacefully every day.

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View Apart/Shutterstock.com

10. Montana

The beautiful state of Montana takes the tenth spot on this list. With a number of non-whites that doesn’t go above twenty percent, Montana still manages to give an example of how racial bias should be wiped out.


9. Oregon

Over thirty-five percent of the people in our ninth contender – Oregon – belong to minorities. As with any other place on the planet, racism is not completely gone but these people can enjoy a lot safer lives regarding hate crime than in other places of the country.


8. Minnesota

The state of Minnesota takes the eighth place with their friendly attitude towards people of different races. Minnesota also has a good reason behind it to be the home of the “Minnesota nice” which is how people address the warm attitude you can expect to be treated with there.


7. Washington, DC

Although it is the home of the infamous “Redskins” football team, Washington DC’s major racial controversies stop there. It is also a state with a big number of non-white residents and a big racial diversity, which has played out quite well for the people there apparently.


6. Idaho

People in the majority of Idaho’s areas are quite welcoming no matter whether you’re white or not. While the absolute lack of racism is close to impossible in any place, Idaho’s population is statistically warm and welcoming enough to make the sixth spot in the list of the 11 least racist states in America.


5. New Mexico

New Mexico’s population has at least half of it represented by Hispanics of any race which doesn’t leave much space for racism directed from whites to the other races. Aside from that, New Mexico’s population gets along really well, no matter what their skin color is and proudly takes the fifth spot.


4. Colorado

Colorado is a prime example of progressive thinking, shown most recently by certain legalizations that took place there and are paying back better than anyone ever expected. This should show you what sort of statistic incidence of racism-related events you can expect there.


3. Hawaii

Hawaii is pretty much what the movies make it out to be in the sense that everyone there is pretty much about living and letting live. It’s in the culture and in the air. While the population is quite diverse in their racial background, this does not affect them negatively.


2. California

Taking the second spot on our list, the beautiful state of California is quite like our previous contender in terms of being tolerant towards all sorts of cultural differences that stray from the norm.


1. Utah

Taking the first spot in our list of the 11 least racist states in America, Utah wins with their warm and welcoming attitude towards people from all races and creeds without being biased.

