Lists 11 Least Racist States in America Published on June 17, 2015 at 2:54 pm by George Durankiev in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 11Next >>See All 10. MontanaThe beautiful state of Montana takes the tenth spot on this list. With a number of non-whites that doesn’t go above twenty percent, Montana still manages to give an example of how racial bias should be wiped out. Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 11Next >>See All UtahIdahoHawaiiOregonMontanaWyomingColoradoMinnesotaSlideshowCaliforniaNew MexicoList XFinanceWashington DC11 Least Racist States in AmericaShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles14 Crazy Facts About Hawaii8 Most Expensive Holiday Destinations in Europe11 Biggest Facebook Advertisers in 2015 9 Fastest Growing Beer Brands in America 9 Places to Visit in South America Before You Die10 Best Selling Consumer Electronic Devices in the World