2. Executive Assistant, Workday Administrator at FactSet Research Systems
Score: 215 points;
Coverage: 100% for employees, 100% for dependents; (200 points);
Part-time eligibility: 100% (10 points);
Special perks: insurance covers fertility treatments (5 points);
Next on our list of jobs with great health insurance benefits without a degree is FactSet Research Systems is an international financial company, which offers full health care coverage to all of its employees and their dependents. In addition to this great benefit offer their insurance also covers highly expensive fertility treatments. Our search on Indeed platform has returned only one open position in this company that doesn’t require Master, Bachelor or Associate degree. The Executive Assistant position has the same responsibilities and the requirements as the standard office assistant.

Copyright: baranq / 123RF Stock Photo
1. Payroll Processor, Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant at Boston Consulting Group
Score: 215 points;
Coverage: 100% for employees, 100% for dependents; (200 points);
Part-time eligibility: 100% (10 points);
Special perks: insurance covers fertility treatments (5 points);
The reason why Boston Consulting Group got ahead of the FactSet Research System on our list of jobs with great health insurance benefits without a degree, is the lower amount of hours part-time employees need to work within a week, to get their 100% health care coverage. While FactSet provides health care coverage only for employees who work at least 30 hours per week, BCG requires only 22-hour long work-week. This company also provides expensive fertility treatment coverage, together with dental, vision, mental health, and drug subsidies. The Indeed job search has returned three open positions for candidates without university degrees, in the administrative and accounting fields.

Copyright: lenetssergey / 123RF Stock Photo