Playing poker can be quite a money-making passion to have, just ask these highest earning poker players in the world, if you want.
We really wanted to know just how much money this passion can earn someone, how much can this type of gambling bring you, so we checked to see who was the best poker player in the world and how high was this top poker players’ net worth, but also for those following behind. The list of the top poker players in 2017, for instance, is led by Bryn Kenney, who managed to win the most points. The man at the top of the list of the richest poker players in 2017, however, holds a different name, but we’ll get there in our list, as he also leads the list of the top poker players of all time.
But who are the top female poker players, you ask? Well, the list is led by Vanessa Selbst, who’s earned over $11 million so far, followed by Kathy Liebert and Annie Duke, who have earned $6 and $4 million, respectively.

Of course, playing poker is not exactly plain old card playing since stakes are places, but it’s not exactly gambling either, since you’re putting your skills at play and not just depending on pure luck to win. It’s in that in-between zone that won’t earn you so many side-eyes from those who know you. Keep in mind, however, that whether you’re edge counting, which involves figuring out whether a face-down card is high or low, or card counting, which involves figuring out whether you have high chances of getting the card you need by analyzing the cards that have been played, you’re supposed to do it quietly or else you’re likely to get kicked out from the table.
When looking at the top 100 poker players of all time on the Hendon Mob’s list, you’ll notice that the list includes people that are both young and old, from all areas of society; people that have managed to get very good at playing this game and making a living out of it. The beauty of it is that you won’t see the same person winning over and over, wiping everyone clean at every tournament, simply because that’s not how playing cards works. Even so, everyone has managed to amass considerable wealth.
You can also read up on the The 7 Richest Poker Players in the World or learn more about the Largest Online Gambling Sites in The World.
In order to put our list together, we checked out The Hendon Mob’s poker database, which lists the world’s biggest earners, whether they’re from Canada, the United States, Germany or any other corner of the globe. The ranking takes into consideration their estimated earnings, although it should be mentioned there are many things that can affect the actual numbers, such as traveling costs for the tournaments, buy-ins and so on, which means they don’t necessarily have this much money in the bank.
Without further ado let’s check highest earning poker players in the world.