11 High Margin Business Ideas

You’ll have a business that will get you ahead with the help of this list of 11 high margin business ideas. There can be numerous ideas and plans for a business. One can always argue the many ways that a certain business can receive a large profit. Several factors are always being debated when it comes to having a high margin. It could be the demand, location, and how interesting or useful the business is to people. One can never truly take one idea above another as there are just many possibilities that can be positive or negative when it comes to business.

There are however some ideas that are sure to generate more profit than others. These ideas are primed for today’s market and demand. They will surely give whoever invests in them, the worth of their time and money. You can even say that some of these listed here are part of the 7 Most Profitable Businesses You Could Start. If you want to start a business and are looking for an idea to help you start off, then you’ve come to the right place.

What business ideas do you think are high margin? You might get an idea you have not thought of before, or have already thought of these businesses but needed a second opinion. Whatever the case, let’s find out more as we go through this list:

11. Books

The costs of printing and publishing books are very low compared to the prices they are selling for. Despite the popularity of digital media and the internet, many people still retain loyalty to the physical version of written and printed work. From novels, magazines and comics, you can be sure that books still have a high demand.



10. Videos and DVDs

DVDs are the more commonly used form of physical media for videos though there are more expensive options like Blu-Ray. Similar to books, producing videos and DVDs cost little money as compared to how much you can sell them for. However, you have to be aware that piracy is a real thing and can definitely affect sales.


9. Membership Websites

There are many membership websites out in the internet today that profit from a monthly subscription. There is also the more popular free membership websites. These websites profit mainly from partnerships and advertising. The costs of creating and maintaining a website are low if you consider how much you can profit once the website gains popularity.



8. Affiliate Sales

Being an affiliate salesperson takes very little investment in money. The main thing you have to do is to create online traffic using a blog or other online content posts. This content will supposedly lead buyers to order the product you choose to promote. The commission for these types of businesses can vary and can reach even as high as 70 percent of the sale.honey-5732_1280

7. Franchising

One of the safer options when starting a business is to consider businesses that have already gained a good amount of popularity in different places. With a well-placed business on the peak of demand, one can take advantage of an already established franchise. Though you have to invest a lot of money depending on what business you choose to be a part of.


6. Coaching

For a lot of the popular coaching businesses today, the main investment you have to make is time. As you learn to establish and sell yourself and your services. You might be surprised at how much a person is willing to pay for the expertise of another. There have been a lot of successful businesses like this. Lifestyle coaching is an example of a popular trend today.


There are even better high margin business ideas to come in the remainder of this list of 11 high margin business ideas.

5. Consulting

Much like coaching, starting a consulting business doesn’t need a lot of resources. There are even some consulting firms and businesses that take place over the internet. With enough time and a good computer, you can start a high margin business from scratch.


4. Clothing Retail

There are high margin possibilities for the clothing industry especially in the upscale sector. There are some people who are willing to pay high prices for high-quality clothing to keep up with trends of today.


3. Assistance Services

There are many avenues to go about this type of business. One famous example would be people creating guides to help people having difficulty with certain tasks like learning the computer or the internet.


2. Home Furnishing

A popular choice of today, home furnishing is a high margin business as prices are relatively higher on the secondary market compared to what you get from suppliers. You can work on the client’s budget that doesn’t tax you your own earnings.


1. Online Merchant

With the popularity of the internet today, selling online becomes more and more viable. You won’t have to pay for much as you’ll only pay for shipping and a few other costs. The commission for these types of sales is also very high.


There you have it the 11 high margin business ideas you wanted to hear. Go ahead and give them a try.