9. Candles
This one’s cool because you can add a design element that’s unique, making your stand apart from the rest. Unlike cakes, these don’t have an expiration date. If you can, the next time you’re demonstrating how a candle works (you never know) try to shove a lit one down DT’s throat.
I actually bought wax once, wholesale, for a project. The thing about candle making is that it might seem easy, but here’s what I found. Wax is heavy. It’s not heavy if you’re holding a tealight. But it’s heavy if it’s in a glass votive, and it’s super heavy if there are many in one box. So think about shipping cost. Your customer will tack on the shipping fee to his overall purchase, but you’re not getting that money. Also, if you decide to work with scents, your nose will malfunction and die. I swear. Scents are not cool. They drive you nuts if you smell them too long. And lastly, wax is messy. Even if you know exactly what you’re doing and you have a process down, you’ll most probably need a dedicated messy space (shed, garage, deck, etc). Keep that in mind.

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com