11 Glaring Plot Holes in Disney’s Tangled

5. Birthday lanterns

That which must be the worst kidnapper in the history of kidnappers, as bad as this sounds. She stole the kid and instead of making up a different birthday date, she gives her the real one, the day when the king and queen launch thousands of lanterns as a way to maybe signal their daughter so she can find her way home. We’re going to let it slide that she only had maybe one birthday at the castle and that she’s not exactly Sherlock Holmes to figure things out.

4. The light bulb moment

At one point in the movie, after visiting the city and seeing the murals with the king and queen holding a blue-eyed blond baby, as well as all those Sun Flowers, etched to various items across the kingdom, she puts two and two together. But it’s not like it starts with a hunch. Noooo, they had to go the extra step and introduce a scene where Rapunzel gets a flashback to her time at the castle.

Considering she was a little over a year when she was taken, given the lanterns rising on her birthday, the chances of her having any kind of long lasting memories from that age are… minimal, to say the least. While it’s likely that at 18 you’ll remember bits and pieces from your early childhood, one’s memories won’t go that far down the line.