11 Fastest US Air Force Fighter Planes

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8. F-104 Starfighter

Speed: 1,404 miles per hour
Retired; In Service 1958 to 1969

The US Air Force was less than impressed when the new fighter was introduced into service in 1958. The Pakistani Air Force was also disappointed by the F-104’s performance during the Indo-Pakistan War in 1965, when it was proven that the plane simply wasn’t a match for the MiG-21. Its operational safety also wasn’t something to write home about, since in Germany, 262 planes out of 916 in service, crashed. Other nations weren’t so picky and Italy did not retire their last Starfighter until 2004. And now, let’s see what else we have in our list of fastest US air force fighter planes.

11 Fastest US Air Force Fighter Planes

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