11 Fastest US Air Force Fighter Planes

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3. F-4 Phantom

Speed: 1,606 miles per hour
Retired, in active service 1958 to 1996

After almost four decades of service, the last of the Phabulous Phantoms was retired in 1996. The aircraft’s last combat missions were during the Gulf War, where they served in SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) roles. During their heyday in Vietnam, the F-4 were responsible for the last United States aces (pilots with 5 confirmed kills of enemy aircraft). Several air forces around the world still have them in their service, mostly in reconnaissance roles. A total of 5,195 Phantoms were built, making them the most numerous supersonic jets in United States history. Today, some of them still serve as target drones. And now, let’s see the top two entries in our list of fastest US air force fighter planes.

11 Fastest US Air Force Fighter Planes

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