11 Easiest Karaoke Songs in Spanish for Beginners

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1. Ricky Martin – Livin’ la Vida Loca

Welcome to N°1 in our easiest karaoke songs in Spanish for beginners list!
Porto Rican singer/hunk/impossible love of mine Ricky Martin released this track in 1999, both in Spanish and English, and it was an instant hit. Now, even though I’m guilty of being a fan, I must admit the lyrics are as shallow as they come, regardless of the language, so it would be utterly pointless to translate them. Instead –since I bet you already know the rhythm perfectly- this time I will provide you with some intensive pronunciation aid, so you won’t miss a beat!

Ella qué será, she’s livin’ la vida loca
Y te dolerá, si de verdad te toca
Ella es tu final, vive la vida loca
Ella te dirá: vive la vida loca
Vive la vida loca, she’s livin’ la vida loca

Eh-jah keh-seh-rah She’s livin’ lah vee-dah loh-cah,
Ee-teh-doh-leh-rah, see-deh fehr-dahd teh toh-cah
Eh-jahs-too-fee-nal, vee-veh lah vee-dah loh-cah
Eh-jah teh dee-rah: vee-veh lah vee-dah loh-cah
Vee-veh lah vee-dah loh-cah, she’s livin’ lah vee-dah loh-cah

That’s it for today! I hope you learned something, and good luck with your karaoke skills.
Class dismissed!

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