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11 Easiest Instruments to Learn for Adults and Retirees

In this article, we will look at the 11 easiest instruments to learn for adults and retirees. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, you can jump to 5 Easiest Instruments to Learn for Adults and Retirees.

Retirement Blues

Adults grow up fantasizing about retirement. However, CNBC notes that the un-retirement rate of the U.S. labor market, as of 2022, has been 3.2%. While the rising cost of inflation and the increased price of consumer goods and services to 8.6% have been a powerful ground for the trend, it is not the only reason people are heading back to work.

Reading, watching television, and hanging out may seem luxurious during the active working stage, but doing the same things every day feels boring. In fact, a survey on retired individuals reveals that one in four respondents found every day to be the same after retirement. Even more surprising, 1 in 10 respondents have begun finding something to pass their time very hard just 5 months after retirement.

One journal study estimates that almost one-third of retirees in the United States develop symptoms of depression during their retirement phase. Recent findings show this trend to be higher in men, with suicide rates highest among those 75+. While retirement communities are a good option for socializing and keeping busy, many adults prefer staying at their homes and finding past times they can do on their own.

Avoiding Boredom in Retirement

Focus on companies and businesses that cater to retirees, like Retirees are looking for things to pass the time/entertainment.

Technology has made the lives of retirees and adults fairly easy and fun. Applications such as Spotify Technology S.A. (NYSE:SPOT), Nextdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KIND),, and Bumble Inc. (NASDAQ:BMBL) provide seniors with fun music to listen to, activities to enjoy nearby, and network/date for keeping busy.

With Spotify Technology S.A. (NYSE:SPOT), users can create their own playlists, listen to podcasts, and watch their favorite movies and T.V. shows. In fact, millions of retirees listen to retirement podcasts such as Retirement Reimagined, Humans vs. Retirement, and others at Spotify Technology S.A. (NYSE:SPOT).

Since 60% of seniors online today, retirees can also use networking applications such as Nextdoor Holdings, Inc.(NYSE:KIND),, and Bumble Inc. (NASDAQ:BMBL). In fact, Nextdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KIND) has seniors as the most active members, helping them acquire help when they need it, get things done, and even socialize.

Single retirees looking to mingle can also take assistance from applications such as and Bumble Inc. (NASDAQ:BMBL). By setting up their profiles, they are all set to discover some new relationships in their lives.

Can a 50-Year Old Learn to Play an Instrument?

Research from neuroscience shows that brain remains plastic througout life, meaning that seniors should not have a lot of hinderance in the way or learning new skills. Regardless, it might become more exhaustive at that age if the learning curve is steep.

For adults and retirees looking for some entertainment on their own, there are plenty of easiest instruments to learn for adults and retirees such as the harmonica, the flute, and the Djembe. Many seniors develop conditions such as arthritis, and playing the above may sound hard. As such, research shows that the easiest instrument to play with arthritis is the violin. No matter what option you choose, learning to play an instrument can effectively keep retirement blues at bay. For this reason, we have compiled a list of the top 11 easiest instruments for seniors to learn.

Pixabay/Public Domain


To compile the list of the 11 easiest instruments to learn for adults and retirees, we looked at 5 (1,2,3,4,5) sources. Most of these sources have based their rankings on ease of play, affordability, convenience, and time to master. Many musicians and music academies have also been surveyed to arrive at the lists.

We also surveyed forums such as Reddit and Quora to include the experiences of seniors while playing these instruments to break the tie between the top two musical instruments.

Our methodology compiles the instruments from all of these sources. Each time an instrument appeared in a source, it was awarded a point. The instrument with the highest scores is the easiest instrument to learn for adults and retirees.

Here are the easiest musical instruments to learn for adults and retirees:

11. Djembe

Insider Monkey Score: 1

One of the simplest instruments that adults and retirees can learn to play is the Djembe. Originating in West Africa, the Djembe is a rope-tuned hand drum shaped like a goblet. Played with bare hands, the drum is one of the easiest instruments to learn on your own.

There are three ways to strike the drum for sounds: slap, bass, and tone. Slapping the drum makes the highest-pitched sounds, while bass sounds are the lowest-pitched. Bass sounds are achieved by hitting the drum center with a flat palm. Moreover, tone sounds are produced by hitting the edge of the drum with flat fingers and arm movements.

Since no musical experience is required to learn the Djembe, the percussion instrument is an instant hit for retirees and adults. Individuals should practice the basic feel of rhythm and take it to parties and events for some musical entertainment. The only drawback of the Djembe is that hands may feel a little sore initially.

10. Tambourine

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Tambourine makes it to our list of easiest instruments to learn, thanks to its simplicity and learning ease. It is a percussion instrument shaped like a shallow drum. The edges have metal discs in slots that are shaken or hand-hit to produce sounds. Similar to a Djembe, this musical instrument requires learners to have a basic feel for rhythm, making it one of the best instruments for brain.

All one needs to do to play the tambourine is shake or bang it. Using one hand, lift the tambourine up and shake it to produce different sounds. These sounds could synchronize with choruses. Or, hit the tambourine with your hands instead.

The instrument can be used right away without learning. Even children can shake it or bang on it to produce sounds and give a rich edge to the music playing. However, mastering the rhythms may require some practice.

9. Bongos

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Bongos or Bongo Drums are another percussion instrument that consists of a pair of single-headed hand drums of different sizes. Like other drums, bongos are played with both hands. The difference between a djembe and a bongo is largely that bongos consist of two different-sized drums while a djembe is a single drum. Moreover, bongos have a deeper bass sound than Djembes.

Adults and seniors can easily learn to play the bongos by simply tapping on it or beating it. While the sound produced is not very loud, it enriches the music already being played. The instrument can easily be learned at home and is best used when complemented with other musical instruments.

The best thing about bongos is that seniors can play them to give themselves some physical workout as well. All they need to do is play it with some fervor, and it will give them some good stamina to keep themselves physically and mentally fit.

8. Bass Guitar

Insider Monkey Score: 2

One of the easiest instruments to play in a rock band is the bass. Bass, or bass guitar, or electric bass, is one of the lowest-pitched instruments in the guitar family. The plucked string instrument looks similar to an acoustic or electrical guitar. However, it comes with a longer neck and scale length.

For seniors looking for some expertise in the guitar family, a bass guitar can be their best bet. The four or six-stringed guitar does not require as much vigor as others and allows the production of deep sounds that can enrich the music already being played. For learning the bass, seniors must learn their scales as compared to chords in a guitar.

7. Flute

Insider Monkey Score: 2

The wood wing group of musical instruments is home to the flute. Flutes are aerophones that produce sound through a vibrating column of air. While flutes can be made with wood for lower sounds, they can also be made with silver or platinum to produce higher pitches.

Lightweight and easy to carry, the flute can easily be learned by adults and retirees if they put their minds to it. All it needs is some concentration and finger coordination to produce the right music.

To produce sounds with a flute, simply begin by blowing air into the flute tube and moving your fingers across the different holes. Doing so will derive different pitches of sounds. Not only is this a fun pastime for adults, but also a good breathing exercise.

6. Recorder

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Another member of the wood wing musical instruments family, a recorder, is a pretty basic instrument similar to a flute. It comes with a whistle mouthpiece in which air is blown. The recorder is also cheap, lightweight, and can be broken into two pieces for easy carry.

Adults and retirees can learn to play the recorder by breathing into the instrument and coordinating their finger movements. The correct tonguing technique is required to produce the perfect sounds, which comes with some practice and lessons.

Many recorders also include a fingering chart that adults and retirees can work on learning. These charts are also available online. Once you have a basic understanding of the notes that can be made, it can be pretty easy to play the recorder.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Easiest Instruments to Learn for Adults and Retirees.

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Disclosure: none. 11 Easiest Instruments to Learn for Adults and Retirees is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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