11 Easiest Edible Plants to Grow Indoors

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4. Tomato

Let’s start off with a fact about tomatoes that you might not know: these red, juicy succulents are actually fruits! The common tomato is so versatile and diverse that it’s used in practically everything, especially sauces. They also have many antioxidants which help prevent heart disease. What would one do without tomatoes? Growing them yourself would thus definitely help save a few bucks. The size of the pot you select depends on how many plants you wish to grow. To ensure an abundant supply, start a new plant every two weeks. Initially, plant the seeds in a standard potting mix, but when they germinate, move the plants to potting soil. Sunshine is essential, so keep turning the plant to provide all its sides with sufficient sunlight. Water too is very important. When the tomatoes turn bright red and are slightly soft to the touch, it’s time to harvest. For more details, you might want to check out this guide. And now, let’s see the top three easiest edible plants to grow indoors.

11 Easiest Edible Plants to Grow Indoors

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