11 Easiest Edible Plants to Grow Indoors

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8. Basil

Up next on our list of easiest edible plants to grow indoors is Basil or “king of herbs”, how often it is called, which is used mostly in Italian cuisine. Growing basil is extremely simple; the only prerequisite is that you possess a container with good drainage holes and a width of at least four inches. There are also four different varieties to choose from: sweet (the most common), purple, lemon and Thai. Make sure you expose the plant to warm temperatures and lots of sunlight – a minimum of six hours and give it plenty of water: once a day in case of scorching heat and once every other day on regular sunny days. To maximize yield, prune the plant when it reaches a good heightfertilizesilize it once a month.

11 Easiest Edible Plants to Grow Indoors

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