11 Easiest Businesses To Start Under $1000

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7. Private tutoring business

Certification : $265
Textbooks: $150
Online promotion: $0 – $300
Total investment: $415 – $715

It appears that shadow education isn’t just another fad, since private lessons, homeschooling, and teaching one-on-one are going in favor of, for example, East Asian Americans, considering their excellent results on last year’s SAT. So, there’s an opening for all those who want to take advantage of what they already know and turn that into a successful business. The number seven on our list of easiest businesses to start under $1000 is great for you if you have the ability to help others to understand the material since that is what you need the most in this field. And, it costs nothing – you either have it, or you don’t. However, a dollar here and there is a necessity if you want to do it right. The best way to get certified is via the National Tutoring Association. The membership fee is $35, and it’s intended for those who want to become certified professional tutors. Submission of required documentation and completion of the certification application forms is what coming after you become a member. Finally, for getting the special certifications, you need additional $230. For textbooks that you are going to use while tutoring you will spend around $150. To promote yourself, create a free tutor profile or go with you own website.

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