3. Virtual assistant business
Certification: $70
Online promotion: $300
Total investment: $370
Whether you want to be a part of a virtual assistant company or to do it on your own, the organizational skills, punctuality, professionalism, and experience in customer service is what you should have if thinking about engaging this field. Prerequisites for the job, that is one of the easiest businesses to start under $1000, are a computer, phone, and internet connection so you can easily help your clients with administrative, marketing, IT, and all other assignees. The time has come when physical presence is no longer a precondition for being someone’s assistant. As for the costs of the certification – for less than $70 you can enroll the Virtual Assistant course that will improve your skills regarding accounting, word processing, digital literacy and data management. In case you find yourself in above written, give it a try and promote your new skill online.

Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock.com