Once you read this title, you must wonder how is it possible to find out which are the countries with the worst music in the world?
Once I started doing my research for writing this article, I realized how subjective this topic is. However, it attracted me anyway, as I wanted to know the outcome of the research process. I have to be honest; it was a tough task. When we think about the worst music, we can maybe rank worst instruments or worst songs and singers, but not music in general. If you are generally interested in musical instruments, you should definitely check out the 10 Most Annoying and Hated Instruments in the World in order to know which one to avoid, or 11 Unusual Musical Instruments with Weird Names just to have a good laugh about it. There are so many good songs sang by artists who are from countries that have awful traditional music. Also, lots of people judge music of one country based only on one of their popular singers, like, for example, Justin Bieber.

He was so hated for his music (some would say it’s pure jealousy), that on the Internet forums, Canada is known as the country with worst music. In general, people nowadays started hating pop music claiming its boring and that it’s the “music for the masses.” Instead, techno music started being cool and most of the young people begin to listen to it and to visit festivals all around the world as well as the underground parties. In any case, music is an important part of every culture and it is a mean of representation of one country as well. However, with globalization and accessibility to almost everything, music started being mixed. We cannot really say that for example, Korean music is bad, while the US’ is the best one, as it depends on the artists, bands, and musicians.
One of the interesting examples we found is definitely South Korea. It has its own pop music, called K-pop. Why is K-pop so popular, you may wonder? One of the reasons is that it is a mixture of dance, electro-pop, hip-hop and contemporary blues. So, basically, it has something for everybody! Some say that K-pop has bad influence and that K-pop fans are immature, but we can guess they are all K-pop haters, as this genre of music is still the most popular one in South Korea.
Having this in mind, to find out which are the countries with the worst music in the world – we had to check a number of Internet forums to “hear” the voice of people. Therefore, we took into consideration the comments from forums such as Reddit, Yahoo Answers, and Quora, to mention few. We counted how many times each country was mentioned as the country with the worst music, regardless of reasons, and ranked them in that manner. So, what you will find in the following list are basically the opinions of common people about the countries with the worst music. If you are interested in the opposite opinions, check out 7 Countries that Make the Best Music in the World. Let’s see our list of countries with the worst music in the world!