Have you ever wondered which are the countries with the worst modern music in the world?
Ever since the primitive society to this ultra-modern society, music was always there. Many people can’t imagine a day without music, whether they listen to it while driving a car, or while working out at the gym. Or they just sing in a shower. For most of us, music is a way of life and a way of communication. We shouldn’t forget that it can also be used in religious rituals for expressing feelings and passing some messages, being a very important part of our culture. We can say that music represents a country’s identity in a way. While many countries have rich histories revolving around music, some aren’t so talented. And, sometimes, the problem doesn’t just lie in the lack of talent, but in the unfortunate circumstances in one country. If a country has a survival problem, population issue, poverty, crimes, literacy, lack of human rights; they cannot produce quality music. Hence, you shouldn’t think that this list of countries with the worst modern music in the world actually tells us something about the number of talented musicians in one country. Also, we shouldn’t forget how tastes differ, and when it comes to any form of art there can’t be an ultimate objective opinion on it. There is always going to be someone who prefers one type of music over the other, or Kylie Minogue’s “Can’t get you out of my head” over The Queens’ “We will rock you”. And, another can argue that these two songs are not even comparable. Yes, there you have it. Million souls, million opinions. Just as when it comes to countries with best music, you should take our list of 7 countries that make the best music in the world with a pinch of salt. It is based on list ratings, and it doesn’t say anything about the number of talented musicians in those countries. Nevertheless, it is an interesting read because it tells us which countries had the most popular modern hits. While you’re at it, also check out the 10 most annoying and hated instruments in the world, and 11 unusual musical instruments with weird names. And shares us your opinions on these topics in the comment sections below each article. We would really like to hear from you!

Keith Brooks/Shutterstock.com
Now back on our main topic today. Before we tell you how did we come up with the list of countries with the worst modern music in the world, let’s talk about some other music-related opinions that many of you consider interesting. Do you know what is the worst song of all time? We turned to Rolling Stone magazine for this one. But we didn’t have much luck, which comes as no surprise, as we already said, tastes differ so much. So, we tried googling what is scientifically worst song ever? Like there can be scientific proof for this one. Nevertheless, we found many interesting suggestions. For scientifically worst song ever, one person on Reddit, suggested Gnesa’s Wilder, and we agree. But then, we wanted more authority, hence we turned to Rolling Stone magazine and there we found interesting lists like 22 Terrible songs by great artists, and among them were Metallica’s “My World”, Pearl Jam’s “Hey Foxymophandlemama, That’s Me”, Bruce Springsteen’s “Real Man”, Led Zeppelin’s “Tea for One”, Elvis Presley’s “Confidence”, to name a few. We also tracked their list of the 10 worst songs of the 80s that was based on readers’ opinions. And you should know, many people hold the opinion that 80s were the worst decade for music. According to Rolling Stone Readers’ pool, some of the worst songs of the 80s were Starship’s “We Built This City”, Europe’s “The Final Countdown”, and Chris de Burgh’s “Lady In Red”. We also wanted to find out worst bands of all time according to Rolling Stone magazine, but all we managed to track was their list of Top ten worst bands of the nineties, which topped Creed. We seriously don’t know how did anyone manage to beat Nickelback which have taken a second place on this list. Trying to find 100 worst bands ever we found one list on which the first place takes The Jonas Brother. What do you think about these? Do you have any other suggestion? Think about it and write down in the comments.
Now, for our list of countries with the worst modern music in the world, We’ve decided to use chart records from Billboard, where they list the song by their popularity. We’ve also searched the number of copies sold by a certain country to determine the worst music selling countries. We have also looked at the Reddit and Quora as well as YouTube to see the people’s reactions and comments towards music. After that, we had summed up the results and got our list.
Go ahead, take a deep breath and read our list of 11 countries with the worst modern music in the world and check if your country is listed or not.