You don’t really get a choice for what you’re born with – something the people from the countries with the most plastic surgeries in the World often circumvent. Don’t like your nose? Is one of your eyelids in a different resting position than the others? Do you kind of wish you’d lose all that fatty tissue in an eerie medical contraption instead of on the treadmill? Well, this list is one that you’ll love for sure because we’re about to look at where people get the most plastic surgery done.
We have already covered this same topic recently, and you are probably wondering why are we writing about countries with the highest plastic surgery rates in the world again, but you should know that although the title is the same, the rankings are different. How’s that so? Well, this time we used a different criterion and got a completely different ranking of countries with people that are not that afraid of going “under the knife”. Last time the criterion was the per capita rate of total plastic surgeries, and this time we have collected information from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery about the total number of cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed in one year. If you are that into beauty, maybe you will have fun comparing these two lists and telling us what do you think – which list is more accurate? Please leave a comment about it bellow!

Not too surprisingly, this list is not overlapping with our previous one of the top 10 richest cities in the world. This goes to show that cosmetic surgery of the most common sorts has become increasingly available through the past decade, reaching the point where it is affordable to more people than just the cream of the crop. Similarly, cosmetic surgical procedures have become very precise and safe to have, being able to alter your image in dramatic ways with less and less effort.
While it’s more correct to call the socially accepted form of surgical alterations “cosmetic surgery”, plastic surgery has stuck with people and thus kept as the title of this article. This is mainly due to the fact that plastic surgery was invented and practiced with the aim to restore and reconstruct the human body and looks as much as possible following the aftermath of an injury. Later on, before having officially branched out into all the different forms of plastic surgery we know today, this type of medical procedure started offering physical alterations to people who could afford it and were willing to take the risk. While plastic surgery, in its modern way, only gained wide recognition after the first world war, other types of reconstructive plastic surgery have been practiced for at least a thousand years.
Nowadays, though, aside from offering people a chance at keeping themselves in one piece, plastic surgery also allow people with certain deformities or just people who are not pleased with their natural looks to lead a better life. Let’s take a look at some places where they take advantage of that.
11. Argentina
Argentina not only makes it on our list, but is also a more and more popular destination for foreigners who want a nip and tuck but don’t have the budget for it in their native country.
10. Spain
Spain makes the tenth spot on our list with features that attract both locals and foreigners, such as the affordability of their procedures and the abundance of qualified practitioners.
9. Turkey
Another popular cosmetic surgery tourism hotspot, Turkey is popular amongst people from abroad on a budget or just someone who wants to see the popular places of interest and have their nose job is one trip.
8. Germany
Germany, like in most things you can find there, puts its finest specialists to work not only when talking about supreme mechanics but also in cosmetic surgery, giving Germany the eighth spot.
7. South Korea
After cosmetic surgery became widespread in South Korea during the past decade, it has become a sort of an almost maniacal craze among the population. From musicians, TV hosts and the like, to the people who pass you on the street, there is a humongous popularity for cosmetic surgery there.
6. Japan
Japan’s entertainment business relies heavily on cosmetic surgery in certain areas. Furthermore, the high regard for their specialists and facilities makes the island country a cosmetic surgery tourism hotspot.
5. Mexico
Plastic surgery, mainly of the cosmetic kind, has become a big business for Mexico. In certain areas you can find state of the art facilities and surgeons, who would happily take your savings for an extra boost in confidence.
4. India
India takes the fourth place in our list of the 11 countries with the highest plastic surgery rates in the world. India has long been held in high regard for its medical specialists, who are also praised artisans in the area of reconstructive surgery.
3. Brazil
Brazil’s population, no matter the gender, has gone into a cosmetic surgery craze in the past decade. From straightening noses, breast enlargements, lipos and whatnot, Brazil’s population wants it and is ready to have it.
2. China
Although the Chinese people aren’t the most fierce employers of cosmetic surgery services, China’s well trained and equipped surgeons handle masses of foreigners and just as much locals.
1. United States
And of course, the USA takes the lead in the list of the 11 countries with the highest plastic surgery rates in the world. It’s easily explainable and quite expectable, knowing that many modern forms of touch-ups were first performed there.