You can only truly know hunger if you’ve seen it first hand in these 11 countries with the highest hunger rates. World hunger is still a problem that’s being addressed by many individuals and organisations today. Hunger in a country may be due to numerous factors. It’s likely that food is actually available in the country but most of the citizens don’t have access to it. Some of them also don’t have the means to acquire food which is why they suffer from constant hunger.

John Wollwerth /
It’s hard to imagine that an afternoon snack we have could be equivalent to what a kid eats in a day somewhere in the world. You can imagine then just how little these people are eating. Poverty has had a hand in affecting these hunger rates and you’ll likely find people hungry in the 7 Poorest Countries in the World by GDP. There are a lot of countries that have been turning it around and have been making an effort to improve their economy. However, that may not be enough if these needs are not addressed with perseverance. Some of the deaths in these countries have been attributed to hunger.
This list is ranked based on the Global Hunger Index or GHI. It is a number from 0-100 with 0 being the best score (no hunger problems) and 100 being the worst. On a global scale we have an average of 12.5 GHI so it’s good but can still improve especially in these 11 countries with the highest hunger rates:
11. Sierra Leone
Global Hunger Index – 22.5
Sierra Leone is home to an abundance of natural resources. The problem is that the country has had a hard time developing because of a civil war that has caused damage and devastation. Due to this the country remains very poor and a lot of the population suffers from hunger.
