We are definitely in need of more awareness around depression and that is why we are discussing the countries with the highest depression rates in the world today. Depression is one of the major demons the society faces. And, even though millions of people are tormented by it across the world, it has been repeatedly known to be swept under the rug.
It is an ailment as hard to cope with as any other physical ailment. Even then most people suffering from it choose to remain silent and avoid treatment. Undetected cases often tend to worsen over time and without proper medical guidance depression can prove to be a life-longing struggle and an extremely draining experience. Its effects can range from minor mood swings, loss of concentration and appetite to even suicidal tendencies if ignored for long.
If we consider the demographics, we see more females are affected by the illness than males and even the richest countries don’t seem to free from its clutches. For instance in the case of United States tops our list and the rate of lifetime prevalence of depression in the country can be as high as 17%. Suicides are also as high as 1 in every 10, 000. Know more about the country’s suicide rates with our lift of 10 States with the Highest Suicide Rates (Most Depressing and Suicidal States).
Lately social media and organizations have been instrumental in creating a more open environment for discussions relating to depression and busting certain myths and taboos thereof. It is extremely important for the society to be more open towards patients suffering from it and be slightly more considerate. Medical advances today have come up with various treatments for effective recovery of patients with both medications and psychotherapies being available to them. However, we shall never be free from the shackles of it if we choose to shy away from accepting that it exists among us. Patients need to face their demons in order to conquer them. And, society has a great responsibility to fulfill too.
So, here’s a list of countries with the highest depression rates in the world.
11. Finland,
The country otherwise known for its happy and upbeat citizens seems to be hiding just a more than a few cases of depression in its closet. The cold weather and dark skies are often purported to be the reason for it though that is debatable since most of the other countries in our list are essentially bright and sunny.
10. Afghanistan,
The country has seen its share of turbulence and it comes as no surprise that it has taken a toll the health of its citizens. Almost 1385 per 1, 00,000 citizens are likely to be affected by the ailment.
9. Bhutan,
The serene Buddhist Kingdom on the edge of Himalayas is famed as the land of peace, however, the depression trends in the country indicates quite a disturbed state of mind among its citizens. Apparently, the suicide rates among Bhutanese refugees have also spiked in the past few years.
8. Maldives,
The country may be peppered with beautiful islands and clear blue waters but the residents are experiencing some stirs in their lives. Almost 1391 cases per 1,00, 000 citizens have been detected in the country.
7. Brazil,
Even the lively country of Brazil isn’t entirely free of demons. With a lifetime prevalence rate of over 10%, depression is quite prevalent among Brazilian adults.
6. Pakistan,
Pakistan’s depression rates are mostly attributable to social pressures and other adversities. More women are susceptible than men and causes include gender roles in households and other financial and family problems.
5. India,
With an alarming rate of more than 1400 of every 1,00, 000 citizens being known to suffer from depressive tendencies, India ranks at the 5th of the countries with the highest depression rates.
4. Bangladesh,
High rates of depression have surfaced lately in the rural parts of the country. Mostly the lower-income group has been extremely susceptible and the major cause has been too much worrying.
3. East Timor,
The Southeast Asian country has lower-middle-income economy and almost 40% of the population seems to be living below the poverty line. The nation also faces an alarming hunger situation. Seemingly, all of those factors have been instrumental towards general unhappiness and anxieties.
2. Nepal,
The amicable country has been no stranger to struggles and depression seems to be yet another war faced with the residents of Nepal. With suicides being one of the major causes of death among the people in the country and anxiety rates ranging from 18%-37%, a little more awareness in the area could be a blessing for the country.
1. United States,
The country might be a superpower and a forerunner of technological and economic advancement, but when it comes to depression more people in USA seem to be bound by the chronic disorder. It is one of the major mental illnesses in the country with over 3.7% of the people being affected by it, evidently greater than all the other countries with the highest depression rates in the world.