11 Countries With Highest White Population

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7. United Kingdom

White population: 51,736,290

Almost 52 million White British account for 81.9 percent of UK’s total population. They are mainly concentrated in Northern Ireland, where they constitute 96 percent of the local population, while in Greater London, one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse metropolitan areas in Europe, less than 50 percent of the population is white. Like other highly developed countries, the UK will experience a change in ethnic profile as it is expected that by 2050 ethnic minorities and blacks will represent one-third of the UK’s total population.

One of the countries with largest black population outside Africa, UK, showed relatively low racial intolerance on value surveys – on EVS, 5.9 percent expressed intolerance, and on WVS the percent of those who wouldn’t like to have a neighbor of a different race was 4.8. However, the white population is still largely privileged compared to other races. Whites have better employment prospects, earn more, seize higher positions in society, and experience poverty less often.

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