11 Countries with Highest Male Population

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1. China

Total male population: 632,546,781

Ranking according to total male population: 1

Number of males per every 100 females: 108

Ranking according to male-female ratio: 8

Overall score: 4.5

Unsurprisingly, China, with the largest population in the world, also is the country with the highest male population. With nearly 700 million males in the country, the male population of China is more than twice the total population of any country except for India. China’s government had enacted a one child policy decades ago in an attempt to manage the population growth and stop the uncontrollable increase. This meant that each couple in China was only legally allowed to have just one child. With the lack of options present, Chinese couples often decided to abort female babies in order to ensure that their only child would be a male. This in turn led to a significantly high male to female population ratio.

800px-Chinese_military_honor_guard 11 Countries with Highest Male Population

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