9. Iran
Iran’s attitude towards the LGBT community is as colorful and diverse as the rainbow flag representing it. Iran’s homosexual men can be sentenced to death by stoning, and so can women. Lesbians, however, need to be repeat offenders. Otherwise, they’ll “earn” themselves a flogging (up to 100 lashes to be more precise). On the other hand, transsexuals thrive here in what used to be the Persian Empire not that long ago. Iran which ranks 9th in our list of countries that will kill you for being gay, carries out the most sex change operations in the world, not counting Thailand. Not only that, but the government supports these operations by funding half the cost of the operation. Before the revolution of 1979, Iran (then Persia as already mentioned) boasted one proud secular society on par with societies in the western world. That time is long gone now, but at least Iran has become sort of a haven for transsexuals from all over the world.

Agnieszka Lobodzinska/Shutterstock.com