We all scream for ice cream but the countries that consume the most ice cream are actually proving their love through statistics. With all the talk about health issues and eating habits going around, more people are trying to make healthy lifestyle choices these days. But, let’s face it, when it comes to ice cream the strongest of us aren’t able to resist sometimes. The love for ice cream is universal across all ages and countries but some just have a sweet spot when it comes to this particular dessert.
So who in the world is not familiar with ice cream? But are we all familiar with all the varieties that are available throughout the world? To put a basic definition, ice cream is made by freezing of dairy products. However, most countries have made their own variations to it, ranging from the famous Gelato in Italy, Kulfi in India or just the simple Shaved Ice in South Korea. They differ in their names and recipes, but the essence is the same- a chilled milky delight that can instantly chill you up on a scorching summer day!
Also over the years there have been many efforts made to control the sugar content in ice creams and the results have been fairly successful. Though we did have to compromise on the sweetness, many low-fat, low sugar content options are now available to satisfy the sudden pangs of the health conscious ice cream lover. Frozen yogurt, for instance, is often considered a healthier option as compared to normal ice cream in all its creamy glory. So while we are on the topic of having a sweet tooth, the 11 Countries that Consume the Most Chocolate in the World are some others who like their sugar rush and sweet treats.
Of course, to beat the heat in summers nothing is as good as ice cream. Read on, to know the countries that consume the most ice cream in the world who are the heroes of every ice-cream lover.