11 Cities with Best Healthcare for Seniors and People Over 50 Years Old

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3. Barcelona, Spain

WHO ranking: 7

We are continuing our list of cities with best healthcare for seniors and people over 50 years old with Barcelona that is the top city for seniors in Spain. However, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, and Granada also have their charms for Austrailan, American, and British seniors and people over 50. Transferwise informs us there are special requirements depending on your country of origin. Healthcare is very affordable if you have a Targeta Sanitària Individual (TSI) health card. Barcelona is recommended by SixtyandMe as one of the best places to live for single retired females. In order to see which city is even better, carry on reading.

11 Cities with Best Healthcare for Seniors and People Over 50 Years Old

Pixabay/Public Domain

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