11 Biggest Royal Scandals of All Time

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4. Royal loudmouth

Consequences: extremely damaging

Prince Phillip isn’t really known as someone who thinks things through before opening his mouth. This usually leads to very embarrassing situations, especially when foreign diplomats are included, like the time he asked the Nigerian ambassador is he getting ready for bed after seeing him in a traditional garb. To be honest, Prince doesn’t discriminate and is often heard making fun of his British subjects as well. Perhaps his best known domestic gaff is when he inquired with the Scottish driving instructor about methods of keeping the Scots “off the booze long enough to get them through the test?” While these outbursts can be highly damaging, they’re nothing compared to the latest claims about his infidelity. If these prove to be true, we can easily imagine the Queen ordering the construction of scaffold in the Tower and hiring the Royal Executioner, just like in the good old days.

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